Open Path Laser Spectroscopy Gas Detection

MSA has been a leader in hazardous gas detection instruments and equipment for many years. Their addition of the Senscient ELDS™ open path gas detector to their already extensive array of gas detection instruments reinforces the MSA leadership position in the field.

The Senscient ELDS™ system consists of an infrared laser transmitter unit and a receiver. The distance between the two components can be up to 200 meters. The function of the system is to provide detection of a targeted hazardous or flammable gas.

The basic operating principle centers around the selective absorption of specific wavelengths of light by the target gas. The transmitter infrared output is selected to match signature absorption patterns of the gas to be detected, with the receiver unit and its signal processing electronics tuned for the same signature. The output signal from the detector indicates the amount in target gas present in the beam path, which is proportional to the degree of absorption at the signature wavelength .

The Senscient ELDS™ incorporates advancements and technology that make its operation more resistant to the adverse effects of the operating environment and other less than ideal installation conditions than previous generations of open path gas detectors.

The included video provides more insight into the operation of the Senscient ELDS™ system. Share your hazardous and flammable gas detection challenges with process instrumentation specialists, leveraging your own knowledge and experience with their product application expertise to develop an effective solution.