Freezeless Control Valve

dump valve control valve for separator vessels
Model 1451 "Freezeless" Control Valve installs
with trim immersed in liquid.
Image courtesy SOR
There are almost uncountable control valve variants available in the industrial marketplace. Some have applicability over a wide range of settings, with size, materials of construction, or pressure rating being their only distinguishing factor. Others are tailored to comparatively narrow performance bands or applications, delivering specialized performance where it is needed.

SOR, global manufacturer of fluid measurement control components, fills an application niche with its "freezeless" control valve. Intended primarily for use on oil production equipment, the compact model 1451 control valve mounts directly to a separator or scrubber in a manner that places the plug and seat submerged in the process liquid. The liquid acts as a heat source to keep the valve trim from freezing.

More information is provided in the data sheet below. For best results, share your fluid measurement and control challenges with application specialists, combining your own process knowledge and experience with their product application expertise to develop and effective solution.

MSA Ultima X5000 Gas Monitor is Packed With Advances

The Ultima X5000 Gas Monitor from MSA incorporates a number of patented features, along with advanced design, that deliver superior performance and lower ownership cost for monitoring and detecting toxic and hazardous gas in industrial settings. Take two minutes and watch the video to learn more, or contact a product specialist with your application challenge for an effective solution.