Application of Rugged Dump Valve and Liquid Level Control on Separator

Industrial process control valve with flange connections and pneumatic actuator
Model 1450 Valve
Courtesy SOR
SOR, a globally recognized manufacturer of measurement and control equipment and instruments, recently published an application note about the use of two of their products in combination.

The SOR® 1600 Series level controllers are designed for liquid level and interface control applications calling for either modified percent (throttling) or quick opening (snap) pneumatic service. The device is fully mechanical and provides a pneumatic output signal.

SOR's Model 1450 valve is a close-coupled control valve designed to meet pressure and erosive applications common to the oil and gas industry. The intended applications for the valves include controlling liquid level on 2 or 3 phase gas separators, gas dehydrators, compressors, scrubbers, heat treaters, well test systems, and other oil field equipment. Ease of maintenance, rugged steel construction, hardened trim, application flexibility, and a range of safety features are all designed into the product.

The application note illustrates how these two products provide control of a separator. Whatever your fluid process control application, share your challenges with process control specialists, combining your process knowledge with their product application expertise to develop effective solutions.

Cell Change Out On Siemens Air Cooled Drive

Part of a good design for industrial equipment is providing for effective maintenance and service with a minimal time commitment. In the video, you can see the procedure for change out of an internal cell on a Siemens Sinamic air cooled drive. The procedure, as you will see, is straight forward and takes little valuable time.

Share your drive component requirements and challenges with product experts, combining your facility and process knowledge with their product application expertise to develop effective solutions.

Installing Industrial Heat Trace Cable on Piping

Heat tracing of process piping is important to the successful maintenance or operation of systems containing heat sensitive fluids or installed in cold environments. Properly installing heat trace cable is essential to establishing effective and safe operation.

Raychem, a Pentair brand, provides an instructive video showing how to correctly install heating cables on the exterior of piping systems. Some of the content may be specific to Raychem products, but the general concepts have application to many installations and will help build knowledge and expertise.

Share your piping system heat trace requirements and challenges with a product expert, combining your process and facilities knowledge with their product application expertise to develop effective solutions.