1) Analyzer Unit, 2) Optical window
3) Medium (e.g. milk) |
Light of varying wavelengths is coupled into the medium using LEDs and laser diodes, which in turn measures various contents of a product, such as protein, fat, free fatty acids, lactose and the COD value. All while still inline (in the pipeline during the process), with the utmost precision. The values of up to four different optical effects are calculated and converted to highly accurate measurements.
Wave Matrix - Four Optical Analytical Principles
The analyzer uses several light sources and works in the UV, VIS, NIR and IR spectral ranges. The light waves are coupled into the medium via an optical window and measured using appropriate sensor elements, depending on the analytical process.

The analyzer uses four measuring principles to synchronously measure the transmission, scattering, fluorescence and refraction values of the light. Depending on the application, the analyzer works synchronously with a combination of up to 12 different wavelengths of between 200 and 4000 nm. The multitude of raw measured values are fed into a mathematical
model which determines, for example, the protein and fat content.
Accuracy and Repeatability

Thanks to the elimination of moving parts, the measuring velocity, long-term accuracy and repeatability were significantly improved upon compared to typical bypass devices. In addition, compared to laboratory measurements, using the analyzer eliminates potential error sources that may be caused by the taking, transporting and preparation of samples.
Hygienic process connection
The analyzer is connected to the process without contact via an optical window in an easy to clean via (SIP/CIP) and FDA-compliant standard housing.
Water Cooling and Air Flushing
Integrated water cooling is recommended to ensure optimal cooling at higher ambient temperatures and when measuring hot media. Air flushing effectively prevents condensation on the optical window at low process temperatures.
Recalibration and Maintenance
Compared to typical laboratory and bypass devices, no daily recalibrations are necessary when operating the analyzer. As there are no moving parts, high long-term stability and thus minimal maintenance is achieved.
If, however, it does prove necessary to check a reading, this can be done easily with the integrated sampling valve and by entering reference values determined in the laboratory directly into the analyzer.
Compact and Flexible
The compact operating unit of the analyzer is very flexible and can be installed anywhere thanks to a serial interface - either in its own stainless steel housing or into a control cabinet on site. The measured values and status information can be read off this unit and sent to the automation system.
For more information,
visit OPTIQUAD at Instrument Specialties